Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Story - First Love

Ainslie Paton has a new book out on 1 August, Hooked on a Feeling, and it's a step back into the 70s, where love is groovy.

To celebrate her book release she's running a contest along, with AusRomToday, that mirrors a Woman's Weekly contest from the 70s. You an find out all the details here.

You have to write 400 words about your First Love.

Prizes are cash - $100, $50, $25 - and there are four judges, The Hard-Hearted might know one of them, it's me!

So, don't delay. It closes 1 August.

Get your fingers tapping and your heart pounding. Tell us about your first love :)

My first love: I think it was my dog, but if it has to be a person, I can't remember if it was a jockey or a footballer!

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