Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm in a book.... more details to come.... wowowowowowowowo....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Do you ever hear something said that has an immediate crushing effect, so much so that your brain freezes and you are unable to think of a comeback - for days!! The other day it happened to me. My cousin said, "I'm sick of hearing about your slutty stories." I had never spoken about them. I didn't even know he had heard of them (I found out there had been chatter amongst the older generation). And I was not speaking about them at the time of the comment - his mother was. So why direct the comment/anger/antagonism at me? Was it a jealousy thing? Did he want to be able to write freely but felt unable to express himself? I wish I had have been able to converse about it, rather than stand in mute shock and let them all walk away.