Thursday, October 9, 2014

Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives LANA

From the hottest writers in Australia comes a scintillating new series. Enter the world of Sydney’s elite, and find out what goes on behind the doors of the most exclusive addresses in the country…
Meet the Housewives of Sydney. They are wealthy, elegant, poised, and constantly in the public eye. But what goes on behind closed doors, in the private homes and parties where the cameras and paparazzi aren’t welcome? Delve into the most personal details of their relationships, their friendships and their lives. The only question is: can you handle the heat?

Lana lives her life by her own rules – and she has very few. What she wants, she goes for, and she very rarely fails. So when a young, handsome waiter at her favourite restaurant catches her eye, she has no hesitation in asking him to escort her home. But one night of passion opens up exciting new possibilities, and a chance for Lana to enact one of her deepest, most elicit fantasies. 

Today is the online launch of this series. Each book will be released fortnightly, starting the 6th November with Rhian Cahill's Virginina. Lana will be out next, on the 20th November 2014, but before then you'll be able to get lots of information...

Starting with the Escapades Blog. Check it out here:

There's a facebook page:

If you'd like to join in the discussion, use the hashtag #Sydneywives on all posts.

A Little About Lana
Lana is one of the older members of the Diamond Dinner Club. She's an actress, made famous in a soapie, but she's worked hard to earn her fame. Now she's where she wants to be, she can indulge in her passions, one of which is young men...or toy boys as others so rudely refer to them. For Lana, they're never a toy. She loves the passion of young men, and how quickly they can undress.

A Little About Me
This project was exhilarating but challenging. Exhilarating because I'd worked with most of these writers once before and I learnt so much from them. I was thrilled to be involved in another project. Challenging because I'm one of the 'babies' on the group in terms of writing, plus I'd never written anyone like Lana before.

I loved this project and I hope you'll love Lana.


  1. Arrrgh! I need to read this NOW. Today. Immediately. PRONTO! Preordered, why isn't it here yet? WANT! Stop making me wait. What is this special kind of Hell? Computer says no...

    1. LOL! You crazy woman :)

      Thanks for visiting me!

      Cate xo

  2. These sound like a lot of fun. I hope it works for Escape and for the authors. Way to go Cate.

    1. Thanks, Lily. I hope they work for Escape too. They've put in a huge amount of work to get this going. I hope it's a huge success for them. Kate deserves it.

      It was a lot of fun to write, and I've enjoyed being a part of it. I like these off-beat projects, they make the writing game a lot of fun.

      Cate xo

  3. Very nice blog you havee here
