Friday, January 10, 2014

Bunker Play Blog Hop

PictureToday I'm doing something a little different.

Lily Malone is a major supporter of this blog, great commenter, and all around fabulous person. She has a new book out, so to celebrate, we have a Bunker Play Blog Hop for your enjoyment - her book is about golf, but not as you know it!'s book has the most divine cover, which you can own when you go to buy her book at Amazon or Smashwords, or you can drool over it right here!

Golf and Cate Ellink
So, I'm supposed to talk about golf. Golf and I are not friends, although I have tried! When I lived in a small country town in western NSW, golf was one of the pastimes to take up. We had a pro come to town for lessons, and along I went to the women's classes.

I had a great time - being useless! I learned to hold the clubs and swing, and line up shots and do all the technical things...but putting it into action was a test of my patience.

I'm not naturally sporty. I love sport but it usually doesn't like me with the same passion, and golf is no different. I could whack one great shot in 18 holes... the rest sucked!

But I like to watch. I grew up near a course in Sydney where there was a big event each year. My Mum and I would walk down to stand at the corner and see Greg Norman tee off on this one hole. It was fabulous. When I was a kid, great crowds didn't seem to attend things, so often there was just a few locals there to oohh and ahh...but you don't get to stand on the corner and watch people play any more. It's a much more professional and organised outfit, and I'm still disorganised and unmotivated to get organised!

But I'll be reading Lily's book. Actually I have already. She's teased me with sex in bunkers, and all sorts of golfing fun. So I'm looking forward to reading Fairway to Heaven on my e-reader.

I'm going to give one commenter on my blog a copy of Lily's book, plus a copy of my latest release, The Virginity Mission, and a fridge magnet of that drool-worthy cover. All you have to do is leave a comment about your golfing prowess - or something about golf! Local and International visitors welcome. Drawn 15th January.

If you leave your email address in the comments (just write 'at' instead of @; or email me if you prefer) then I'll contact you and mail you a fridge magnet of The Virginity Mission cover. Local and International visitors welcome.

The overall Rafflecopter is here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck in the Blog Hop. If you get lost, you can always go back to the blog of our intrepid leader, Rhyll Biest.

Cate xox


  1. "I like to watch..." Anywhere else but on Phallic Friday at your blog, that wouldn't quite have the context it does here! Thank you lovely lady for getting sandy in the bunker with us... I thought you'd write about Cooper Cronk, or deep sea diving or one of those kind of sporty comments - but Greg Norman? I get that... Until Tiger Woods came along, The Great White Shark was my favourite golfer to watch. So much charisma!
    Lily M

    1. Hey Lily,
      Yes, I should have been more adventurous with my blog...I thought that as I strolled around the 18 holes and regretted my boringness. Sorry! Next time, I'll have a brainwave and write phallicly for you :)

      Cate xo

  2. I'm an awesome my own mind. The only golfing skill I have down pat is the bottom waggle when getting ready to hit the little white ball. Women have asked me to teach them my bottom waggle but I've told them it's like the Milkshake: "I could teach you but I'd have to charge."

    1. LOL! The bottom waggle! We didn't get taught that by the pro. Maybe he left that bit out. Maybe it was too risque for the country :)

      Cate xo

  3. Oh we need to sit next to each other at every sporting event we're dragged to Cate! I'm with you, me and sport don't get along (although we smile politely to each other as we pass). 19th hole on Lily's Bunker - here we come.

    1. Hey Jennie,
      Cheers for the 19th hole - the best part of the golf course :)

      Cate xo

  4. Hmmm for me its lack of golfing ability. I attempt... sometimes. Its generally better I don't.

    1. Hi Kay,
      I think it's awesome that Lily writes a book about golf, has a blog hop about golf, and there's very few of us who know anything about golf - or even like it! Classic. Join the party, Kay, of girls who love sportsmen and not so much sport!

      Cate xox

  5. Great post, Cate. I think Golf is like water skiing - it looks much easier than it actually is!

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I think you might be right. I remember lots of frustration trying to get up on skis!

      Thanks for stopping by,
      Cate xo

  6. I watch it on t.v. sometimes, when nothing else is on.

    1. Hi Karla,
      That doesn't sound like you're too much of a golf fan either!

      Thanks for stopping by,

      Cate xo

  7. Okay... drum roll please...

    The Winner of 2 ebooks and a magnet is...


    Sarah, if you can contact me at, I'll organise getting your prizes to you. Congratulations.

    Cate xo
