Friday, May 3, 2013

Phallic Friday - pussy pride

After my penis envy post last week, I came across a post by Remittance Girl about the relationship women have with their vaginas (or non-relationship) and that led me to a Pussy Pride Project site. So I thought I should do something here to show some love for my vagina. A photo was too much information I thought. And I'm not sure I can eloquently write a description of it - although I have been thinking about that, so maybe one day I'll find that courage. Today I decided on a little " poem".

Pulsing, pounding
Underneath all
Yearning for more

Playful touching
Reamed, stretched
Inched inside slowly
Dying for release
Exploring, exposure, explosion.


  1. Yes. A photo might be TMI! And buggered if I know how you'll get that camera angle just right without calling in outside help!
    I like verse one of your poem a lot (particularly).

    Lily M

    1. Yeah, I don't think my arms are long enough to do the photo thing!!! Plus I love my camera... Not sure I want to risk dropping it as I struggle with that. LOL

      I'm glad you like verse 1. I stupidly thought it was pussy power not pride, so my verse two was power... Then suddenly I had to make it pride and it didn't work so well. silly me!

      Cate xo
