Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wildlife Wednesday - Brush Turkey

I'm late today - so sorry. I'm house sitting and I was so sure I'd have heaps of time to do things. I don't! My house is a tiny little box. I walk a few steps and get to my bathroom. This house, I walk 35 m to the bathroom!!!! I used to complain about my tiny box house, now I want it!!! I'm so lazy but it's wearing me out. Add in two dogs, two cats and two ponies to care for - plus me and my high maintenance needs, and I'm flat chat :)

Here's some information on Brush Turkeys from Birds in Backyards

This one is from Cairns Botanic Gardens. We came across him strolling down the boardwalk. When he got to us, he hopped off, walked around us in the rainforest, then hopped back on the board walk for the rest of his stroll :)

My Dad and my nephew have both had Brush Turkeys visit their yards in Sydney, which I thought odd but it seems they live anywhere!

Sorry for the brief post - but pony duty calls (and that's the animal kind, not the fetish) :)

(Actually, did I do a pony fetish?)


  1. You most definitely DID NOT do a pony fetish... and there was a pony part in Nicolette Hugo's 'The Arrangement'... I should have sent a messenger pigeon to tell you that you missed one!
    Enjoy your big big house. You'll be home before you know it and then you might all that space. Brush Turkeys are funny looking things. I'd never seen one until I holidayed in Noosa going back a few years.

    1. Darn it! I love pony fetish's and when there's a scene in a book it makes me giggle away like a kid! I'll have to fix that!

      Cate xo
